Please note our Safety Health Policies before Booking. Refresh Page To View.
( Next Booking Availability - Starting Week of December 1st, 2024 )

How many people can I bring with me to my appointment?
We are currently Welcoming Client Plus One Adult
( Sorry, No Exceptions or Switching or children under 16 years old
at this time. )
Violation Fines**
Any Violations will Automatically Forfeit Your Appointment & You will be Responsible for Full Payment of your Scheduled Session.
Please Kindly Follow the New Rules Above to Help Save Lives.

Will ultrasound harm my baby?
Absolutely not.
Ultrasound transmits sound waves through the body
with the help of our hypoallergenic gel over your abdomen to view your
baby inside the womb.
There is no radiation

Can I use FSA or HSA to pay for service?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. As we are considered an "Elective" option instead of a "Diagnostic" one, we are unable to accept payment through FSA, HSA or Insurance.

What do you mean by 'Special Link'& How do I Save My Session before the Link Expires?
Our 'Special Link' simply means a Hyperlink/Private URL to your Entire Session.
It is a Link that is connected to Cloud which means you can copy & share with anyone privately without requiring a Log-In account.
After each appointment, this 'Link' will be Emailed & accessible on our servers for
3 Weeks
to give plenty of time for our Clients to Save their Session - Movies & Photos - onto their place of choosing (i.e. Google Drive, Desktop, USB...etc) before the 'Link' Expires & Permanently Deletes.
Please note: 4D Miracles is not liable for any session that was unsaved by clients during the 3 week accessibility period.
Easy To Save:
Simply click the blue 'Link' located in the Email.
A New Page will Open.
Right Click Your Name at the Top & Click Download!
It is Now Saved!
For More Assistance:

What is the cancellation policy?
We ask to give us a call at:
510. 863.3258
Email us at:
at least 72 hours prior to your scheduled appointment to let us know you are not able to make or need to reschedule for a different time.
In generally, we do NOT reschedule appointments for
no-shows or late changes to appointments.
(Excluding extraordinary circumstances of course)

Client Courtesy / Late Policy
Due to unforeseen reasons a client may arrive more than
5 minutes late,
we will try our best to accommodate.
However, we do reserve the right to cancel or reschedule the late attendee out of respect for other clients.
$20 Late Fee will be Applied.
If said client is more than 10 Minutes late, Auto Cancellation will be implemented with an offer to reschedule.
A $35 Rescheduling Fee will be Applied.
No-Show Clients:
In General, we do Not rebook No-Shows. However, under extraordinary circumstances, we are happy to help you Rebook.
A PrePayment Via Credit Card Plus $50 Missed Fee is required to reserve your new appointment. Please give us a call at 510.863.3258 to reserve.
Thank you for understanding & look forward to seeing you soon.

Safety Precautions
Health & Safety
is very important to us.
We ask that all attendees please refrain from bringing peanuts/ any food with nuts in it them (for anyone who has high nut allergies) and anyone who may be sick with any
sniffles or coughs of
a cold or flu ( and now Covid-19) so ALL
Soon-To-Be-Mothers & guests can be safe at our facility.
Thank you!

Any Preparations before my appointment?
Absolutely! If you can please follow these instructions, we would greatly appreciate the help:
1. Drink at least 6 cups of water every day for 3 days prior to your appointment.
2. Avoid heavy consumption of food 3 hours before appointment.
More food closer to appointment = more gas inside body = black ultrasound pictures as ultrasound can only penetrate through liquids not gas.
3. Absolutely have a
Medium to Semi-Full bladder upon arrival. Normally, empty bladder fills about
30-45 minutes after water intake.
(Example: Use restroom
40 minutes before appointment. Drink a full glass of water at 30 minutes before appointment. Your bladder should be just about midway-full upon arrival.)
Please plan accordingly.
Thank you!

In general, when is the best time to come see my bundle of joy?
For Best Gender Determination, we recommend between 18-20 Weeks.
For Best Face Pictures, we recommend between 26-29 Weeks (4D-5D Package).
Note: It is true babies are more physically defined when they are over 30 weeks however, the larger the baby gets, the larger the placenta gets and less amniotic fluid space there is.
This means the baby is more often than not, squished to a corner or hiding behind the placenta which also means pictures may not come out as clear or front and centered.
We recommend planning ahead for the best results!

Special Requests
If you have a special request for your appointment i.e. keeping the gender a secret, only certain guests may know about the gender, help fill pinatas for gender reveal ...etc, we will happily help achieve your vision provided you let us know
ahead of time and/or have brought the items for us to fill during the beginning of your appointment.
Let the guessing games begin!

My little Miracle is a bit shy during ultrasounds.
Is there something I can bring to wake him/her up?
Of course! If you are
non-gestational diabetic,
we suggest to bring a
Small bottle of Juice with
No Pulp.
i.e. Apple, Orange, Cranberry,
White-Cran-Apple, Pineapple, Pomegranate...etc to encourage more movement.
As always, please consult your Primary OBGYN
if you are unsure of what you can or can not eat.
Stay Healthy!
Baby Ultrasound
Gender Reveal
3D Ultrasound
4D Ultrasound
5D Ultrasound
Baby Heartbeat
Early Ultrasound
Open During Covid -19 Coronavirus shelter in place
Online Appointment
Gender Determination
Pregnancy ultrasound
Gender Determination
Contact Info: 510.863.3258
Location: 42808 Christy Street Suite 208
Fremont, CA 94538, Hayward CA, San Leandro CA, Milpitas CA, San Jose CA, Livermore CA, Palo Alto CA, Mountain View CA, San Mateo CA, Oakland CA, San Francisco CA, Sunol CA Santa Clara CA, Cupertino CA, Berkeley CA, Alameda CA